Playing make believe
Avid readers of Just Frances will remember that I shared my thankfulness for “make-believe friends” this past Thanksgiving. Well, it seems that my sister, Celeste, shared that story with her make-believe friends at the same time. And one of those friends became a regular reader of my blog after that. Dawn began offering support and friendship through my blog and even found me on Facebook.
Well, this week Dawn is in Seattle as a tag-along spouse whilst her husband attends a conference. So she’s meeting her make-believe friends in real life – and Celeste and I were first!
It really was interesting to meet with someone I’d only known online – but it seemed easy and very comfortable. Of course, I felt at ease with Dawn before meeting her, so that probably helped!
Now, not only was this Dawn’s first trip to Seattle, but it seems that it was Celeste’s first for many things, too, because she’s never really been a Seattle girl. So I was in tour guide heaven!
Our first stop was Starbucks #1, then we wandered across to Pike Place Market where we enjoyed the various booths and free samples – and watched with big smiles as they threw fish. Then, of course, it was down to Post Alley to stick our used chewing gum on the gum wall. (Really.)
Next up, we wandered along the Waterfront where I purchased a loaf of double sourdough bread from the Alaska Sourdough Bakery before we popped into Ye Olde Curiosity Shop to see the mummies and three-headed pigs. (Really.)
Of course, all this wandering around made us hungry, so I had to introduce the girls to Dick’s Drive-In on Broadway. We all enjoyed Dick’s Deluxes, fries, and root beer, and then we were off to Volunteer Park where we enjoyed a walk around the conservatory and were pleasantly surprised to see a fantasy medieval-y battle group playing. Even better was that some of the players took time to talk to us about their group. (Really.)
Anyhow, it was a good day out and I’m glad to have gotten the chance to meet Dawn in real life.
Check out a video from the battle people here:
And, as always, check out the photos here:

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It was great to finally meet you! You were an excellent tour guide! Thank you for your hospitality! xoxo