Random thoughts: Top 50 no-gos
Random thoughts – Week 1: List 50 things I’ll never do.
- Climb Mount Everest
- Compete in a sport professionally
- Give birth (sadly…)
- Celebrate 50 years of marriage
- Eat monkey brains (but in general I’m up for trying new/different foods)
- Become a nun (but I wanted to at one point in my life)
- Go deep-water diving
- Have cosmetic surgery (unless, of course, I’m in some horrific accident and need to be repaired)
- Buy an iPhone or iPad
- Commit suicide (Don’t worry! It’s never been an option or thought!)
- Buy a brand new car
- Participate in an ultramarathon
- Have lasik surgery
- Drink tequila shots out of someone’s navel
- Be a space tourist
- Pierce my nose
- Sail the Seven Seas
- Join a nudist colony
- Ride a barrel over Niagara Falls
- Drive drunk
- Juggle knives
- Watch Battlestar Galactica by choice
- Drink Gin and Tonics
- Go on a shooting safari
- Run with the bulls
- Follow the “5 Second Rule” outside of my own home
- Back down on a running disagreement regarding my pro-Oxford comma stance
- Have a pet monkey
- Play golf in a lightning storm
- Abandon my faith
- Ridicule someone for their faith (or non-belief)
- Declare the certain non-existence of extraterrestrial life or Bigfoot
- Participate in past-life regression
- Cheat on my taxes
- Wear an “I’m with stupid” t-shirt
- Give up carbs
- Become a vegan
- Quit Facebook
- Cook (or eat) liver*
- Not vote in an election I’m allowed to vote in
- Be ashamed of my nationality
- Rob a bank
- Drive a train
- Drive blindfolded
- Turn by back on my family
- Wish and hope for bad things to happen to other people
- Deny my small-town, redneck roots
- Pretend to be dumb
- Betray my friends
- Be normal (bore-ing!)
OK, wow! That was really hard. And I admit, I’ve really done some reaching on these. Further, I admit that I didn’t put loads of things up that I thought I might “be forced to do” at some point in my life. That said, I can’t be 100% certain that the future won’t bring some strange reality that sees me being forced to rob a bank, drive a train, and betray my friends. But I imagine that if my life got to that point, we’d be facing some apocalyptic disaster or that my friends would be staging a massive intervention!
(Here’s hoping my next random topic is easier!)
* Update: I did eat liver after this post, whilst a guest in someone’s home. It was horrible, but I was polite and tried my hardest not to be sick.
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Excellent, some really great ‘no-go’s there.
(although I’m now wondering about my punctuation choice)
Your punctuation is just fine! It’s all about consistency, remember! 🙂
What’s wrong with a G&T?
Ick! The bite in both are a bit too much for me and when combined, it’s even worse! Quinine is no friend of mine!