Red and rosé

It took a while to convince myself to get out of bed today. I mean, a long while – it was nearly noon by the time I decided to emerge from under my duvet. At first, I wondered if I would spend the day inside. Not necessarily sulking, but sitting around doing nothing. And for a while, I convinced myself that I could do that.

Then, for reasons still unknown, I decided that I should head into town. With that decision made, I hopped in the shower before putting on a pretty skirt and a fun sweater for a quick jaunt into town. I didn’t really know why I was going, but I knew that I needed to get out and stretch my legs.

Anyhow, I looked in the charity shops and even a couple of sales racks in the mall but didn’t manage to find anything I wanted/needed/that fit, so I went home empty-handed.

And now, I’m curled up on the couch with a glass of French rosé, listening to the sultry jazz sounds of Norah Jones, and getting ready to paint my nails a nice shade of hooker red.

I guess I have to say it’s not been too bad of a start to the new month.

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4 Replies to “Red and rosé”

  1. the short day length in scotland at this time of year is a real bummer (just sayin’)
    PS: the wee guy’s latest invention is a swiss cleaning knife – a different cleaning utensil per ‘blade’. i blame S.A.D. …

    1. Worse than the short days is the fact that I’ve been on break from school since before Christmas! Not having somewhere to go / something to do really drags the motivation out of me! Classes, thankfully, start back on Feb 15!
      ps: I love the wee guy’s inventions! He’s so clever!

  2. One of my favorite nail colors is “I’m not really a waitress”! Looks great on toes. Hmmm, maybe that would take care of some of my winter blues. A pedicure!

    1. I used to wear ‘I’m Not Really a Waitress’ but then my Aunt Stephanie decided she liked the colour and started using it as her signature colour. So I had to find new colours (which I never tell her the name of now).
      But, since she doesn’t read my blog, I can tell you that I’m currently sporting ‘A Oui Bit of Red’. My other current go-to red is ‘Vodka & Caviar’. Both by OPI.

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