Running around
Yay! Today was my third race in my 2012 Race a Month Challenge. I don’t know how I survived it, but I did!
The Round the Houses 10K (sponsored by the Falkirk Victoria Harriers) took place in Grangemouth, Scotland, and was attended by a good 700 runners (Maybe more? Sorry, I’m rubbish at crowd counts!). And, thankfully, the weather was fantastic! Although if I knew it was going to be that fantastic, I’d have worn shorts and skipped the jacket.
It was a bit of a struggle for me, but I managed it. I’m sure I’ve mentioned my lack of exercise and training over the past few months and that, coupled with my recent bought of the lurgy and subsequent drop in my platelets, meant that I really wasn’t ready for the race. In fact, there was a point in the second half where I was getting rather upset that I wasn’t able to run faster. And being upset about that reminded me that I’m still sulking and upset about things from the past week. And that meant that I started thinking about that stuff. Which got me even more upset. It’s such a terrible cycle!
But, just shy of the 8K mark I took a quick walk break. And it was then that another runner caught me (also on a walk break) and we encouraged each other the rest of the way. In fact, we got each other so encouraged that we managed a nice little sprint over the finish line. Ah, that made me feel better!
My end-of-race running partner also made me remember what I love most about running – it’s an individual sport but we’re all cheering each other on. It’s amazing how everyone is out there fighting their own demons and medical ailments, but we all encourage each other to keep going. Because in running (unless you are destined to be in the top three) we’re not competing against each other – we’re only competing against ourselves.
I have another 10K toward the end of April, then a half marathon in May already scheduled. I suppose I should really get my training schedule sorted out now because I can’t keep running races if I don’t get in better shape!
Oh! My [unofficial time] was 1:07:17. Rebecca, my awesome running sidekick, did better than that. And that means that of the three races we’ve run this year, she’s beat me three times. I’m not [too] bitter. (Honestly, I’m happy for her. Really.)
Oh! Again! I have to add a quick “Thank you” to my ride home from the race. Rebecca was heading to see her parents after the race (in the opposite direction from home) so I arranged to have my friend make the drive all the way to Grangemouth to pick me up and take me to Stirling. So, a great big thank you to John. Because I know he’ll want the public accolades. Even though he doesn’t read my blog.
And if you’d like, you can see more of my race photos here!
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Congrats to you and Rebecca on the race finish. Keep up the good work!
Thank you! It was a hard slog, but I’m feeling good today which is nice. I hope to get a lot more training before my next race because these hour plus 10K finish times are hard on my ego!
Also running increases your endorphin production, which increases your good mood, which should induce an urge to run again. It’s a cycle in the “other” direction 🙂
Good job!! An hour run time still be beats not getting off the couch at all…
Yes, I keep thinking about all of the good things about running–especially the mood-boosting! Of course, I’m also thinking about the weight stuff since my midsection has gotten a bit gooey over the past few months. I need to get it under control before full-on shorts weather arrives!