Running goodbyes
A few months ago, I decided that I wanted to run “one last race” with my nephews before I left for Scotland, so I searched out the race that was closest to my departure date. And that race was today.
Because the race was “on the other side of the mountains” I drove over last night with my 12-year-old nephew, Haden, and 14-year-old nephew, Parker. We then stayed at my baby sister, Royann’s, house with her husband, Javier, and their boys, 12-year-old Adrian and 7-year-old Brendan. Then it was an early start for us all to get to Lacey in time for the race.
Parker, Haden, and Adrian ran the 5K route and I ran the 10K one, whilst the others cheered us on. And I’m extremely pleased to say that all of us improved our times over previous races, despite none of us winning our groups. (I ran mine in 59:27, which is a 9:35 minute mile, which is way awesome!!)
Oh, and at the race, I saw an old friend from high school, Craig, who was there to cheer on his wife who was also running the 10K. He’s one of the few classmates I have on my Facebook page, which meant that I was happy to go say hi, instead of pretending to not notice him! We figured that the last time we saw each other was during the 4th of July parade sometime in between my first trip to Scotland 10 years ago and my wedding 6+ years ago. What a nice little addition to my day! (And good luck to Craig’s wife who is training for a half marathon!)
After the race was over and the winners were announced, it was time for the hard part – saying goodbye. And because Haden was staying behind with his cousins, it meant one more person to hug. My first hug came from Brendan. He gave me the best hug he’s ever given me and told me he loved me – and even let me kiss his cheek! Then it was Haden’s turn for a hug. And I made him use both arms and kissed him, too. Next up was Adrian. Again, two arms, kisses, and “I love yous” were exchanged. (Promises of postcards and candy from Scotland were made to all of the kids.) Finally, it was time to say goodbye to Royann and Javier. Again, good hugs and promises of Skype phone calls.
Thankfully, Parker was heading back to the homeland with me, which meant a bit of a distraction, which meant I wasn’t a sobbing pile of goo when I drove away!
And since we were near(ish) ANT Elizabeth’s house, we went to see Schrodie, too. I am pleased to report that my beloved cat is starting to settle in a bit more. She and my ANT’s cat are starting to share window ledges (though with a bit of animosity) and are even hiding under beds together. It’s kind of cool. But, she’s still got a way to go in her bid for normalisation!

Of course, the downside of that side trip was saying goodbye to Schrodie all over again. And saying goodbye to my cousins, Carson and Dylan, as well as my ANT. But I know that we’ll all keep in touch and I know that I’ll see them all when I’m back for visits. So that’s cool.
I have three full days remaining now and way too much to do in those days! I have to pack; I have to get my hair cut; I have to finish getting computers fixed up for family members so that we can stay in touch; I have to visit with friends; I have to spend quality time with family. And I still have so many people to say goodbye to, too.
It’s going to be hard, but I know that I’m doing what’s best for me. After all, Scotland is waiting!
[Note to self: Drink more water to make up for all the tears that will be flowing!]
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You saw Craig Juris?!!! I haven’t seen him since college. That’s awesome! Can’t wait to see you tomorrow!!!!
It was sooo good to see you today!! Can’t wait for next time! xx
Well done on your 10k time. Very good.
and hugs about all your goodbyes, not easy. perhaps some small consolation but there’s hugs a plenty and barely contained excitement here at the prospect of your arrival!!
Take care
Knowing that there are hugs and excitement on the other side waiting for me really does make this journey easier! Can’t wait to be there!!