Sharpies and Bics and Uni-Balls—Oh my!
I promised myself that I would go through junk every week so that by the time I’m ready to start packing, I’ve rid myself of most of the unneeded clutter. A couple of weeks ago, I went through my card and stationery supplies, last weekend I began the process of sorting through some clutter stored under the eaves, and today it was the drawers on the left-hand side of my desk.
I thought the biggest hurdle would be the bottom drawer because that’s where I’ve been shoving un-opened mail for the last year. So I emptied the contents onto the coffee table, grabbed my letter opener, and started sorting. And it was actually quite easy since most of the envelopes were just old bank statements and bills that I paid online. When I was done, I had a huge pile of rubbish to shred and a stack of envelopes for the recycle bin. The smallest pile was maybe ¼ inch thick and consisted of things that I needed to file away.
Easy peasy, lemon squeezy!!
The middle drawer was up next. It was fairly simple in part because it contained the previously-sorted stationery and in part, because it is only ½ as deep as the bottom drawer so there wasn’t too much clutter in there!
Finally, I opened the top drawer. This is the drawer where I store the majority of my pens as well as some Post-Its and notepaper and random bits-and-bobs that I’ve shuffled away “for later”.
First, I shuffled the Post-Its to a new location (to be sorted later) then I sorted the random bits-and-bobs. That was the easy part.
Next, I sorted through the pens tossing out those that were dried up and passing on those that I never liked to my foster daughter (who actually did need pens). But I realised that even with that process done, I have way more pens than I can ever use between now and August when I head to Scotland.
Then the panicked insanity began.
The thoughts going through my head were things like:
- Frances – you really need to keep all of these pens and markers and highlighters because you will be going to school in Scotland and you’ll need them.
- But, Frances, remember that you have a limited amount of luggage space and you’ll want to bring your reference books and gadgets and maybe even some clothes with you.
- And remember – you can buy new pens and stuff when you get to Scotland.
- But, wait! You’ll have a very limited budget so should you really use it to buy things that you already have?
- Besides, your folks and friends can bring more stuff for you when they come and visit.
- So go ahead, Frances, keep those pens and markers and highlighters. It’s the right thing to do!
Honestly, the thought of parting with these silly things freaks me out. It’s not because I’m transposing my emotions onto them – it’s because I am an office supply junkie.
I am frightened at the prospect of sorting through my Post-Its and note pads. And the idea of parting with my paper clips and tape dispensers? Oh my! I may need to change my monthly grief counselling appointments to weekly packrat counselling sessions!!
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Hahahahaha, this is so funny because I sooooo understand! 😀 I’, a stationary freak – I just can’t get enough of it! I’m leaving in March and the idea was to sort through my stuff before then….well….turns out I’ll be sorting through it after my three months in Germany 😉 I just can’t bring myself to do it. But if (…when…!) I get a job in Germany and have to move for good, I’ll have to be a little harder on myself *sniff*
I’ll buy a couple black markers…they’re great for marking my freezer stuff. And, I’m always running out of tape! 🙂 Use what you can and ditch the rest when it comes time to do the move.
Imagine you are studying hard. Which highlighters are you using? Which pens? Keep those and get rid of the others. (Or, use the others until August and then give them away.) The ones you keep will see you through your first bit of time at university, and you can even take them in your carry-on and use them on the plane. You’ll need a pen that is good at drawing clouds 🙂