Social conscience
Social lives are interesting things – and hard to define at times. Everyone seems to have one or want one. Or they want a better one or a different one or a less chaotic one. Or they laugh about how their children have better social lives than they do!
Paul and I always talked about our lack of social lives and how, if it weren’t for each other, we’d be hermits. We even joked that we were looking forward to adopting our children because we’d be able to glom onto their social lives and – who knows – maybe even find a bit of socialisation through our kids’ friends’ parents.
Of course, when Paul died I was faced with the realisation that he really was my only true social life. When he died, I found myself in near isolation and it was hard. It was lonely. It was so very lonely. I didn’t have any friends in the area and my parents (the nearest thing to a social life I had) were a four-hour drive away. So I turned to my virtual friends for interaction and support. But I knew something was missing. I knew that I wanted – that I needed – a friend in the real world to socialise with. Sure, there were a couple of women at work who I chatted with at the office, but it’s not the same.
In fact, when I created my four main life goals, one of the tasks for the happiness goal was to find or create a real-life social life because I knew that being happy (for me) was dependent on having people to interact with.
And I have finally found that social life.
As regular readers will know, I am happily settled in Stirling, Scotland. And as luck would have it, my friend Rebecca lives in Stirling, too. And she’s become the main player in my social life. (Though I honestly hope I’m not being overly clingy as I re-learn the rules of social play!)
Rebecca has been an amazing friend to me for more than two years now, but even more so now that we’re neighbours. I have someone to go to coffee with and to site-see with and to have cocktails with and to have dinner with and to do all sorts of fun things with.
But it’s not just Rebecca. No, there are several players in my social life these days. In fact, I’m heading to Edinburgh on Tuesday for dinner with Joanne and her family. And I have been asked to name a day to meet with Steve and his family and with Les and Yvonne. And I’m meant to meet up with Martin next week and I have to return a call to Lindsay about getting together. And I have to look into a trip to France for a girls’ weekend with Mila. (I finally made the trip to France!)
And then there’s the family side of my social life. Yes, I have to get myself on a train to England so that I can see Liz and Ann and Elizabeth and John and all the rest of them. And I have to get my Mum and Dad on a plane to visit me here. And my cousin Helen is planning a trip. And who knows who else!?
Oh, I could go on and on about how great it is to have a social life again, but I don’t have time. No, I need to get going now so that I can get ready to head into Edinburgh for dinner and a Billy Bragg concert with Rebecca. Oh, and tomorrow night, it’s off to a Milonga at The Junk Rooms. Then next Saturday I’m off to Glasgow for another concert.
So, um, basically my social life has exploded! (Yay!)
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Yay! It’s so good to have a partner in crime on my doorstep. Good to know that you’re not bored of it…yet!
Bored? I’m too busy to find the time for boredom!
yay double yay and actually perhaps a triple yay for Frances
Well done you are a star and an inspiration
Thanks, Lynda! I really am pleased with this new social life and the extra YAYS are well-warranted!
Woo hoo for social lives!
Woo hoo!! Of course, when I’m in the homeland for visits, I’l expect you to be part of my social life, too!
I’m the friend traveling with Helen, so now that our trip has been announced on Just Frances, we can’t back out now!:)
No backing out! It will be fab if you two make it over, but I’ll understand if life gets in the way and plans change.