Specky four eyes
A lot has changed since I got my first pair of glasses nearly 30 years ago. (That’s glasses as in specs, not drinking vessels, to clarify for my UK readers.) Back then, “big” was normal for glasses. Back then, my frames were massive and wholly dependent on my parents’ budget. (And they were wise enough to insure the suckers, too!) My frames remained rather large throughout the 1980s and well into the ’90s.
In the mid-to-late-90s two things happened: I got my own insurance and I learned that, despite my extremely strong prescription, I could wear small frames. Added to that, my optometrist’s office offered specials for “buy one pair; get one 50 percent off” which meant that I could, for the first time in my life, have sunglasses! Eventually, I found myself with several pairs because my prescription didn’t change for a few years but my insurance kept paying for new glasses each year.
Ah, with all of those new, smaller glasses the world never looked better! [Pun intended.]
Anyhow (slowly getting to the point) I was long past due for a new prescription so I went and had my eyes checked a couple of months ago and am now (finally) getting around to ordering glasses I can see through!
But thanks to insurance cuts (Only $150 for hardware? That’s madness!) and my imminent unemployment and future starving student status, I decided against getting new frames. Instead, I’m just updating the lenses in my last two pairs of regular frames and my sunglasses. This way I have a spare pair of specks should anything happen to the other. Plus, since my new (soon to be former!) optometrist offers 30 percent off the cost of 2nd and 3rd sets, my total out-of-pocket expense is just $65! This is about $85 less than I had budgeted for so that Kindle with 3G is starting to sound a bit better…
Wait. If this post is about ordering three pairs of glasses, shouldn’t the title be “Specky eight eyes”? Oh well, I’ve always said I was rubbish at math[s].
Oh, and I know I’m not showing you photos of the glasses, but I figured that you’ve been seeing the current ones (red frames) and the sunglasses for the last year+ of this blog and if you’ve looked at older photos (pre-November 2008) you’ve seen the others. And you’ll get to see them all again and again and again so you don’t need to see them now. (Yay! Can you feel the suspense building?)
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What a smart way to do it, especially if you still like your already awesome frames!
If I’m completely honest, whilst I do love the frames I’m using, I wanted new ones. Sort of “new life; new frames” since one pair I got right before my wedding and the other Paul helped me pick out a few months before he died.
BUT, that would cost an additional $200-400 because I like expensive frames, apparently! Oh well, I guess it’s a good think that I like what I have!