Stretching budgets by un-stretching skirts
About two years ago, I bought a lovely skirt for about £5 at a charity shop. It was ever-so-slightly too large, but it was pretty and I was certain that it would be OK. Sadly, after a few wears and washes, the elasticised waistband lost its remaining stretch and the skirt became un-wearable.
I really did like the skirt though, so it lingered in my closet for the past year. Every so often, I’d put it on hoping that it would fit again (maybe I gained enough weight?) but it didn’t.
Then a couple of things happened: First, I decided to clear out some of my clothes at the start of the year to make space in my small wardrobe. Then, I decided I would re-learn the art of fixing up charity shop finds to create my own style and to save some money.
So I re-evaluated the stuff I was getting rid of and set aside anything that I was ditching solely because it didn’t fit. (The stuff slated for donation because I just didn’t like it still got donated.)
Anyhow, this evening I finally set out to fix that skirt by simply replacing the elastic waistband.
It took about 45 minutes from start to finish and was as easy as snipping the seam on one side of the inside waistband then pulling out the old elastic before pulling new elastic through and stitching the seam back together. I admit that I had to consult the Interweb for hints and tips on how to do this. Not because I couldn’t figure it out, but because I wanted to make sure I was doing it the best way. (I’m pleased to say that my initial plan of attack was pretty much what I was advised to do online.)
I bought the elastic specifically for the project (£2.65; enough for two waistbands) but I opted to just use the thread I already had. That means that I used black thread on a brown skirt, but as the seam is on the inside no one will know but me (and you).
This means I have a lovely “new” skirt for my wardrobe that’s cost me less than £6.35. (Not including the thread and needles, which I’m not counting for this project.)
Now I just need to decide which top to wear with it!
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Hooray! I knew you could do it. And under the time allotted, too! Way to go. Enjoy wearing that skirt once more. It’s really a pretty patterned material.
Under the allotted time – and I could have done it in less! I kept trying the skirt on at various stages to make sure I was getting the elastic tight enough, but not too tight. That probably added 15 minutes to the process. Still, I’ve learned a thing or two and I’m sure I’ll be able to save myself some time on the next skirt.
Now that I know how easy it is, I will start looking at elastic-waisted skirts that are a size or two too large because I can make them fit with a smaller piece of elastic. In fact, if the elastic is still good, I can probably just trim that so I wouldn’t even need to spend money on new elastic!