
Today was a very different – and very fun! – day for me because I got to be a big important film star for the day. There were script reviews, costume changes, and everything. I even had someone opening and closing my car door as we drove between filming locations.

Oh yes, I was famous. If only in my own little world.

I can’t tell you much about the films, as that will ruin the big reveal I’m planning for later, but I can tell you that we filmed on location at the University of Stirling, the Stirling Castle, and other great places around the city.

I can also tell you that filming included stacks of books, me acting a bit academic-y, and me running. Yes, there was a lot and a lot of running. Oh, and some swirling, too.

Are you intrigued yet? Do I have you on tenterhooks, just waiting for the big reveal? Good! Stay tuned then, as I hope to be able to share more details in early May.

In the meantime, this film star is beat tired and may have to hit the hay early. After all, I have to re-enter the real world tomorrow and need to be fresh for a full day’s work!

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