My flat is now nearly empty. The only things that remain (other than the furnishings belonging to the property) are my (nearly) packed suitcases that I’m…
I’m not a big fan of the rain but when the skies open up I do find myself looking – and hoping – for a rainbow. Rainbows make me…
Note: This is a piece I’ve been working on for a couple of years (I always have a few ideas/drafts in progress) and isn’t a…
I am packing my home yet again and it’s filling me with a sense of dread and panic. It shouldn’t be so difficult, but it is – in part…
It’s been 20 years since I last saw him. Twenty years since he caused me an unimaginable amount of pain – pain that has stayed with me…
The world seems to be closing in on me right now and it’s destroying my soul. The only thing that is saving me from a…
I’ve had a couple of sleepless weeks and it’s starting to show in my face. Despite the many happy things happening, many frustrating and stressful things are interrupting my sleep.…
Today is just a random poetry day… And I wait By Just Frances I draw in a breath; long and slowAnd I waitDesperately, hopelesslyI wait…
As most people do, I have bad dreams from time to time – the bothersome little dreams that haunt you all day long: Showing up to a…
I have just learned that I was unsuccessful in my application for a full-tuition scholarship from the University of Glasgow. I am, to say the least,…
Yesterday’s news of the bombings in the final stretch of the Boston Marathon has shaken me. Like many runners, the shock of it all has been hard to comprehend.…
For several weeks now, I have been afraid of the post. If I’m at home when it arrives, I dread walking over to pick it…
I used to be the most amazing sleeper. I went to bed around 10 o’clock and woke up refreshed and alert when my alarm went…
Home is a hard place for me to define; more so as I don’t know where I will be living over the next few months – and…
I’m going to delve into a short(ish) stream of consciousness for a bit here because there’s a lot on my mind that I’ve wanted to share, but…
There is a glitch in Just Frances, the person, that I can’t seem to repair. It started when I first got the Frances 3.0 upgrade…
There was an interesting piece in The Guardian’s Running Blog yesterday about running with music. The post offered insights from two runners – a pro-music runner and a no-music runner – and…
Right now, my thoughts are all about money; lots and lots and lots of money. Not in a materialistic way, but in a practical way.…
I’m not a big believer in predetermined destinies. I don’t believe that God has my entire life mapped out and that every little obstacle is…
Today I want to talk about my belly; my slightly-larger-than-it-should-be belly. And, in a way, I want to talk about my crazy brain and its…