The truth is, I fell. I fell really, really hard and I spiralled a bit. OK, maybe I spiralled a lot. It started last September…
I didn’t sleep well last night. I didn’t sleep well at all. And, to be honest, I’m ever-so-slightly afraid to be home alone because of…
Regular readers will know that I’ve been stressed and worried about my visa situation for a while now. And a select group of friends know that…
One week before Paul died, we had a conversation about our futures, should one of us die – a conversation sparked because it was the anniversary of…
I have finally managed to get all of my visa stuff sent off to the UK Border Agency. There was a bit of a hiccup in the…
It would seem that I am being challenged on my visa journey this time around. And it is so very frustrating! As you may know,…
My visa expires in 49 days. My employer is working on getting sponsorship approval for me so that I can apply for a new visa,…
There is something ever-so-cruel about random memories. OK, not always. In fact, most of the time random memories are happy moments. But sometimes, like today,…
When I was in high school, my sister (I think?*) wrote a poem that went something like this: Lonely, all alone by Celeste Mills* Lonely,…
A friend of mine sent me a link to a fellow widow’s blog this weekend and I had a wee peek around to see what…
You may have noticed that I’ve been rather quiet these past few weeks. Maybe you’ve found that refreshing or maybe you’ve been wondering where I’ve…
A couple of weeks ago, I sat looking at my eggs. They were held in separate baskets and they looked so pretty; so promising. And,…
It’s been three years since Paul died so suddenly; so unexpectedly. Some days I can’t believe that he’s gone. Some days I struggle with comprehending…
I’m a little bit crazy most days. Always have been; always will be. But widowhood seems to have increased my insanity. In fact, it seems…
There is a new campaign against stalking starting in the UK today and I thought it was a perfect opportunity to talk about stalking on…
Today has been quite a day; a day full of reminders that I meant to be a scholar. Meant to be a scholar. But I…
Last week I finally got around to seeing my new doctor and this week I’m regretting it just that little bit. You see, on the…
My life is made up of seconds. And I’m spending the next 600 hundred on a free-writing exercise. And you get to read all about…
Sometimes, no matter how much thought goes into plans, things don’t work out. From Daedalus and Icarus’ attempt at building wings to escape from Crete…
Remember how I said that I think I found a new flat? Well, yesterday I paid the deposit and today I picked up the contracts,…