I asked what you wanted me to write about, and the first request was to write about the emotions I’ve felt when engaging with different…
Today’s post is a random memory and a bit of musing about Chinese jacks. So, let’s go! Chinese jacks, for those who don’t know, are…
I decided to spend the day on the couch to rid myself of my latest cold. (Two colds since the New Year? Well that totally…
Growing up, I loved it when I was informed that we were having Poor Man’s Casserole for dinner. It was such a basic meal, but…
I’ve been thinking about hunger for a few days now – ever since I signed up to participate in Art House Co-op’s “The Meal” project. The project…
Hey! Guess what! It’s “Share a Random Memory for No Reason Other Than It Popped into My Head Day”! Aren’t you glad you stopped by…
I started this post a few weeks ago intending to talk about how Starbursts have changed since I was a kid. But I never got…
Back in the day, kids’ movies were pretty gosh-darn awesome. So much so that (I think) they’ve survived the test of time. Movies like Pete’s…
I love goulash. Growing up, I was always happy to see it on the dinner table. Later, as a grown-up, I loved going to my…
There’s an ice cream van that comes around the neighbourhood most evenings around 6:30. When I first heard the magical music, I smiled as I…
I’ve been quite lax in my determination to take back my lunch hour so decided that I’d take some me-time today because the stress of…
Like most kids, I played Hopscotch growing up. It was a great game and really only required a piece of chalk. And since they used…
Earlier today I wrote an email to a friend and decided to share a new revelation in my life: I don’t like cooked celery. I…
Growing up, I used to love it when we had frosting and graham crackers as part of our school lunches. It was awesome! And the…
Don’t you love it when you’re sitting there minding your own business and all of the sudden – completely out of the blue – an old camp song pops…
Growing up, one of my favourite Christmas decorations was a small twiggy, leafless branch, planted in a little pot and standing 6-8” tall. Hanging from…
WooHoo! I made a trip to the homeland this weekend to make blagenda with my folks and one of my sisters. Her kids and my…
I love to doodle. So today, as I sat waiting for a meeting that took forever to get started, I found myself doodling a bit.…
So I think I’m a mild food hoarder. Or that I have some weird food obsessions. Or both. I’ve known it for years but mostly…
As a kid, I remember Grandpa Eberle talking about the best way to get rid of a cold: A shot (or two?) of Brandy, a…