You’ve slogged through post after post of me going on and on about my goal to earn my master’s degree. You’ve listened to me whine…
I’ve thought long and hard about how to handle the month of October for my blog. You know, since I only posted twice before the…
Today was the Drymen 10K in, well, Drymen, Scotland. It was also race Number 8 in my 2012 Race a Month Challenge. It was also…
First, an apology for my absence the last week. I’ve had some website glitches and had to enlist the help of some amazing friends who…
Wow. I guess that’s Dissertation Month pretty much over. I mean, I know it’s not been a full calendar month, but the month’s main project – completing…
Dissertation Month is nearly over! Can you believe it? I mean, it’s just been a mad blur of writing and writing and writing! As you…
In less than two weeks, I have to have a full draft of my dissertation ready to send my supervisor for his review. (After which,…
Dissertation month continues! As does my progress. The biggest part of this week’s work has been transcribing and re-reading interview materials, but I’ve also managed to…
Just a quick dissertation update for you today, since I did promise that this would be Dissertation Month. First, a look at the tasks I…
OK folks, it’s time to get serious about this dissertation. Like really, really serious! (Actually, I should have been really, really serious about it for…
You may have noticed that I’ve been rather quiet these past few weeks. Maybe you’ve found that refreshing or maybe you’ve been wondering where I’ve…
I’ve been quiet again. (Still?) So I feel that I should pop in and say hello since so often I’m quiet when life is hard…
Today was my last day of classes. And that means no more teachers. No more admissions-determined schedules. No more sitting through lectures and seminars. No…
Yippee! I’ve just completed another chunk of my dissertation – and I managed to finish it more than 12 hours before it was due! I admit it…
It’s been nearly a week since spring break started, but it’s been anything but a break! Still, this is what I signed up for so…
Spring break started on Friday, and by Saturday morning I had created a bit of a to-do list of all of the things I want…
Well, as of 4:00 pm I am officially on spring break. Only, that really just means that I’m not going to classes for a week.…
Hey! Wanna know what I did today? (Of course, you do!) Well, today I turned in my dissertation proposal for my Master of Letters in…
I returned a stack of six books to the library today. And I left with another seven. All to be read and reviewed over the…