Yesterday was the 2014 Loch Ness Marathon, with 2,478 people crossing the finish line at the end of the gruelling 26.2-mile course. I was one of…
My friend, LA, introduced me to “The Bliss Scandal” so I decided I’d sign up and see what it was all about. To be completely honest, I…
Today was Bob and Dave’s annual check-up, to determine just how well they’re coping with life. Bob and Dave, if you don’t know, are my…
This guest post was written by my youngest sister, Royann. My desire for ITP Awareness Month is to help educate others and I’m pleased that this post…
Right! It’s ITP Awareness Month again so let’s start raising some awareness! I decided to tackle awareness month differently this year because I think we…
No one said that dating was going to be easy, but I didn’t expect it to be as difficult as it’s been. Part of that,…
It’s time once again for the Edinburgh Marathon Festival, which means it’s time once again for me to make some lousy excuse for why I will…
It’s Mental Health Awareness Week, with a focus on anxiety, so I thought I’d share my personal story on the topic. Please know this is a hard…
Today marks five years since I lost my beloved husband so suddenly; so unexpectedly. You’d think that after five years it would feel like a distant memory,…
Life begins where your comfort zone ends. The magic happens outside of your comfort zone. Success, happiness, excitement, love … it’s all found outside of…
For the last few weeks, I have been struggling to overcome my desire to eat loads of candy and sweets as part of my Lenten sacrifice.…
I am almost finished with my Lenten sacrifice (only 15 days to go!) and I’m starting to feel hungry. Really, really hungry. But I don’t know if…
I woke up this morning and checked my Facebook feed whilst waiting for my snooze cycle to end. Only what I read angered me so…
It’s been nearly five years since I last kissed my husband goodnight. It’s been that long since I’ve fallen asleep in his arms; since I’ve…
I’ve never been a swimmer, but I’ve always loved the water. I tend to dip my toes in slowly to check the temperature then inch-by-inch…
Tomorrow is the first day of Lent and I am once again finding my soul humbled at the grace of God and my Lord Saviour, Jesus…
I decided quite some time ago that I was ready to date again, though I admit to not actually doing anything about it. It’s not because I secretly don’t…
“You will feel better than this. Maybe not yet. But you will. You just keep living, until you’re alive again.” I heard this quote the…
Today is the last day of my 30s, so it seems appropriate to reflect on the decade in preparation for the start of my 40s.…
A year ago, I was excitedly talking about applying for PhDs and how I wondered how I would ever afford to actually study if I was accepted somewhere. My…