Clutter is everywhere. It’s in our closets. It’s in our kitchen cupboards. It’s in our bathroom cabinets. It’s in our desk drawers. It’s in our…
Eight years ago today, my dear friend Joe passed away. And next Sunday will mark the sixth anniversary of my beloved husband, Paul’s, death. And…
I’m up in Kirkhill this weekend for tomorrow’s Inverness Half Marathon and have managed to get a bit of sightseeing in, along with the obligatory pre-race carb-loading. And, of…
The weather forecast today was for sleet and snow. But I was enticed out for a walk with a friend, so bundled up to face…
The end of a year can only mean one thing: An obligatory end-of-the-year reflections post! At the start of the year, I had grand visions of…
Today was the funeral service for my dear friend, Murray. It was a hard day, but I am so pleased I was able to go…
Today is Paul’s birthday and I am a mess. No matter how many steps I take forward, some moments in time send me sliding back…
Greetings from America! Are you surprised to read that? Well, you should be since very few people knew about my trip. I mean, even my…
I woke up at 6.30 on Sunday morning. The rain was dumping down like mad and I didn’t want to move. I didn’t want to…
I’ve been quiet here on Just Frances once again, but if you ask my friends, they’ll tell you I haven’t been quiet in reality! That’s…
I was in my mid-20s, and still rather unsure about how the dating world worked. I couldn’t always tell if a guy was flirting with…
The annual Scottish Real Ale Festival is taking place in Edinburgh right now so I spent yesterday afternoon there with a couple of friends. We used it…
Oh, what a wonderful day I’ve had! It was fun! It was exciting! It was filled with laughter! It was, simply, spectacular! Yes, I spent…
I was so excited when I saw the Saw Doctors were on tour in Scotland. Well, Anto and Leo, at least. I was even more excited when I…
For the last few weeks, I have been struggling to overcome my desire to eat loads of candy and sweets as part of my Lenten sacrifice.…
One of my favourite things in the world is acting silly and childish, so when a friend from Stirling invited me to join her and…
Wow, oh wow! I just don’t know what to say other than that. Just … Wow!! (Don’t worry; I’ll manage to find more words, too.)…
Ah, a new year has begun. It’s such a wonderful feeling – especially when you’re boring like I am and don’t imbibe in booze the night before.…
As 2013 draws to a close, I find myself reflecting on the year’s ups and downs. I’ve been thinking about the good points and the…
When my friend first invited me to join her for the Edinburgh’s Got Soul concert at The Queen’s Hall, I really only agreed because it was a great…