Summer is near. Very, very, near. And that’s awesome because it means that my jacket is getting a break from service. And it means that I…
Yay! Today was my third race in my 2012 Race a Month Challenge. I don’t know how I survived it, but I did! The Round…
It’s been a week since I last shared my mundane life with you here on Just Frances. And it’s been nearly that long since I…
I started a new crochet project back in January. But I couldn’t tell you about it because it was for my friend’s birthday present. And…
Random thoughts – Week 3: List 31 simple pleasures; pick one and write about it. Last year I was challenged to write a list of 30 things…
Random thoughts – Week 1: List 50 things I’ll never do. Climb Mount Everest Compete in a sport professionally Give birth (sadly…) Celebrate 50 years of marriage…
Oh, what a happy belly I have, all thanks to the lovely Burns’ Supper that Rebecca prepared. Whilst Rebecca made the final preparations, we chatted…
I can’t believe that it’s been more than a week since I last blogged. I’m not exactly off to the best start this year, am…
It’s nearly midnight on January 2nd and I’m finally getting around to writing my first post of the year. I meant to write yesterday and I’ve…
Well, I suppose now that Christmas is over, I should tell you a bit about my lovely Christmas weekend! And it really was a lovely…
I’ve been struggling to find my Christmas Spirit since the season began and was starting to wonder if it would be found in time. I…
Back in November, I talked about the practice of “making do” in my efforts to host a Thanksgiving dinner for friends. I was really pleased…
Well, my Scottish Thanksgiving weekend has come to a close. Yes, the original planning process was difficult, and I found myself having to make do…
I’ve been upset about Thanksgiving for a while now. Like really, really upset. I know it’s silly, but that’s the way it’s been. (As I’ve…
Sometimes, no matter how much thought goes into plans, things don’t work out. From Daedalus and Icarus’ attempt at building wings to escape from Crete…
OK, since it’s sort of my thing to tell you all about goodies that I get from home, I suppose I should tell you about…
Confession: I have 292 Facebook friends. At least 46 of them are people I’ve never met. 25 or so are people I’ve only met once.…
Social lives are interesting things – and hard to define at times. Everyone seems to have one or want one. Or they want a better one or…
As part of my Thankful November theme, today’s post is an “I Spy” photo story. So, here goes! I spy ten things that make me…
I am smiling today because I was given a beautiful gift. But the smile is less about the gift and more about the reasoning behind…