I’ve spent a bit of time packing today. Wow, it seems like I’m doing that a lot lately. But I hope it’s a while before…
Since the beginning of June, I’ve been a bit remiss about organising my digital files. I think I got a bit crazy with my foster…
Before I graduated from university money was tight. My adult life, until shortly before I got married, was spent not spending money. No, really. Money…
For the first time in my life, I am crocheting something for myself. Yep, I’m making a pretty red ripple afghan throw for the couch…
Remember how I said that I think I found a new flat? Well, yesterday I paid the deposit and today I picked up the contracts,…
The home I had in America was my dream home. Paul and I spent more than two years searching for the perfect place to raise…
Today I left my new home in Stirling to take a train journey to Billingham, England – Paul’s hometown and home to some of my in-laws. My…
Last summer I shared with you my rocky start in life as an illegitimate, homeless transient. Well, it would seem that I’m back to a…
Tonight is my last night in my house – the house I purchased with Paul a little over three years ago. This was our home; this was…
About two months ago I wrote about how distraught and heartbroken I was over the apparent loss of my beloved first (and only) mixed tape…
Three weeks before we moved into our house, I found an Art Deco table on CraigsList for $20. I emailed the link to Paul then…
Yesterday’s post was a bit sad and whilst I’d love to say that I’m over it and that the world is all unicorns and rainbows…
I’m really tired of getting rid of stuff. It really hurts to part with even the most simple of items. I struggle each time I…
It was just before 4 am when the screaming howls of cats outside my bedroom window woke me with a start. I ran towards the…
For two weeks now, I’ve been selling loads of stuff on CraigsList and I can’t believe how mixed my emotions are in the process. The…
To make up for my last few sad(ish) posts, here’s a happy one for you (times three)! Happy #1: I sent off the forms and…
Last weekend the world was really closing in on me. So much so that I had a bit of a breakdown at my folks’ place…
My lovely foster daughter is getting ready for a major life change and I’m amazed at how well she’s handling it. (Or how well she’s…
We moved into our house on 15 May 2008. About a week later, all of the pink tulips planted along the front side began to…
It’s been a hard day since the realisation that I will be leaving my house in less than three months. It’s so sad to know…