I’m on the train to England now and will be flying home to America tomorrow morning. It’s weird because part of me feels like I…
My flat is now nearly empty. The only things that remain (other than the furnishings belonging to the property) are my (nearly) packed suitcases that I’m…
I daydream. I always have and I always will. I suppose that it’s harmless, though it does sometimes mean that I pin a bit of…
It’s September and that means that it’s ITP Awareness Month. So I thought I’d share a bit more about my ITP journey with you to give…
Schadenfreude \ˈshä-dən-ˌfrȯi-də\ (noun, often capitalised) [German, from Schaden damage + Freude joy First Known Use: 1895]1: enjoyment obtained from the troubles of others1 I like to think that I am a…
I’m not a big fan of the rain but when the skies open up I do find myself looking – and hoping – for a rainbow. Rainbows make me…
Today was my annual check-up for my kidneys, Bob and Dave. I’ve been really nervous about it because I know that the last year hasn’t been…
Note: This is a piece I’ve been working on for a couple of years (I always have a few ideas/drafts in progress) and isn’t a…
Following up on yesterday’s post, today I am acknowledging the strengths that save me from the bitterness of my weaknesses. These are a bit more difficult…
I am packing my home yet again and it’s filling me with a sense of dread and panic. It shouldn’t be so difficult, but it is – in part…
Sometimes I like to close my eyes and imagine the life I want. It’s by no means an extravagant life – it doesn’t even include winning the…
She stood staring at the ticket in her hands, her mouth trembling as she tried not to cry. As she crept further along the security…
It’s been 20 years since I last saw him. Twenty years since he caused me an unimaginable amount of pain – pain that has stayed with me…
When I put in my first PhD application, I was filled with self-doubt. But I was accepted. When I applied for a second PhD opportunity, I worried that…
Today is just a random poetry day… And I wait By Just Frances I draw in a breath; long and slowAnd I waitDesperately, hopelesslyI wait…
Waiting has got to be one of the hardest things in the world when your entire future depends on the outcome. But waiting is what…
A year ago this time, I was excitedly telling you that I was halfway to succeeding in my 2012 Race a Month Challenge. Sadly, halfway through my 2013 challenge,…
I’ve just completed an application for another PhD studentship and have realised that I am running out of options and opportunities now. In fact, there…
You may recall that I made an enquiry about a PhD studentship back in May and that I was a bit uncertain about how it would…
There is a sensation that passes through my heart and soul on occasion. A conscious realisation of subconscious thought. Sometimes it’s caused by a smell…