It’s Christmas Eve already. Wow! It seems to have jumped up out of nowhere. But, I am pleased to say that I have all of…
I’ve been struggling to find my Christmas Spirit since the season began and was starting to wonder if it would be found in time. I…
Well, today marks the end of my first semester as a postgraduate student. It’s been a crazy and hectic journey to get to this point,…
When I moved to Scotland in August, I sent a couple of large boxes by sea – hoping they’d arrive before Thanksgiving. They didn’t. But they did…
Today has been quite a day; a day full of reminders that I meant to be a scholar. Meant to be a scholar. But I…
I don’t know what compelled me to play poet again today, but compelled I was, so you get to read my latest attempt at literary expression. I…
Tomorrow, I will be hosting Thanksgiving for the first time since Paul died*. It won’t be as big of a crowd as our last Thanksgiving…
I’ve been upset about Thanksgiving for a while now. Like really, really upset. I know it’s silly, but that’s the way it’s been. (As I’ve…
My life is made up of seconds. And I’m spending the next 600 hundred on a free-writing exercise. And you get to read all about…
Sometimes, no matter how much thought goes into plans, things don’t work out. From Daedalus and Icarus’ attempt at building wings to escape from Crete…
Social lives are interesting things – and hard to define at times. Everyone seems to have one or want one. Or they want a better one or…
As part of my Thankful November theme, today’s post is an “I Spy” photo story. So, here goes! I spy ten things that make me…
Just Frances was started with the idea of sharing random nothingness with family and friends as a way to stave off the isolation I was…
There is something to be said about a smile. People who smile are more approachable. They seem friendlier. They seem carefree. They seem happier. For…
I got the keys to my new flat this morning and have spent the day traipsing up and down several flights of stairs to get…
I’ve spent a bit of time packing today. Wow, it seems like I’m doing that a lot lately. But I hope it’s a while before…
I arrived in Scotland nearly two months ago, and am now on my own for the first time. In fact, I am on my own…
Life is mostly good these days. It’s mostly happy and mostly bright and mostly cheerful. Mostly. Of course, the problem with “mostly” is that mostly…
It’s here! My first week of classes has finally happened! After a long journey of ups and downs and a false start or two, I…
Remember how I said that I think I found a new flat? Well, yesterday I paid the deposit and today I picked up the contracts,…