My 2010 resolution was to find a bit of joy every day. Each day, I thought about the things that bring me joy and posted them…
I’m really struggling this week. Actually, I’ve been struggling for a couple of weeks now. I’m sad and I feel quite helpless about it. I’m…
Sometimes I want to scream at the top of my lungs. I want to yell. I want to shout. I want to wail about how…
Today’s quote from my “Be Good to Yourself” calendar came at just the right time. For a few weeks now I’ve been telling myself to…
Well, that’s me home again to the great US of A. But you know what? I don’t feel that I’ve come home. I feel like…
I used to enjoy the confluence of seasons; the awkward meeting between weather patterns – one anxious to begin its reign whilst the other tries in vain…
My 2010 resolution was to find a bit of joy every day. Each day, I thought about the things that bring me joy and posted them…
I’ve been Just Frances + One for a couple of days. It’s scary. It’s weird. It’s scary. It’s fun. And did I mention it’s scary?…
When I run I think. Even when I’m listening to my iPod, my mind is racing through one thought after another. It jumps from here…
My 2010 resolution was to find a bit of joy every day. Each day, I thought about the things that bring me joy and posted them…
My aunt received a new(ish) kidney today, courtesy of a very dear friend of the family. (We’ve always said that Jeanne was part of the…
I posted a while back about “I AM” poems, and how I like to re-write mine from time to time because it helps me to…
Whatifs are terrible little things. They hold us back from doing all of the important things in life. They feed on fear and worry and self-doubt. But…
My 2010 New Year’s Resolution was to find a little bit of joy each day. I started a gallery so that I could post a…
My 2010 resolution was to find a bit of joy every day. Each day, I thought about the things that bring me joy and posted them…
I moved the bed around in my room yesterday. It’s the first “big” change since Paul died more than a year ago. I suppose I…
My 2010 resolution was to find a bit of joy every day. Each day, I thought about the things that bring me joy and posted them…
Sometimes I need to be reminded of my ultimate goal in life: To be blissfully happy. On those days, I reflect on one of my…
My 2010 resolution was to find a bit of joy every day. Each day, I thought about the things that bring me joy and posted them…
My 2010 resolution was to find a bit of joy every day. Each day, I thought about the things that bring me joy and posted them…