An Ode to the Beach House by Just Frances Oh Beach House, Beach HouseYour lovely views of the Columbia River gorge entice my senses Oh…
in·spi·ra·tion ˌin(t)-spə-ˈrā-shən, -(ˌ)spi- (noun; 14th century) 1a: a divine influence or action on a person believed to qualify him or her to receive and communicate…
So I’m sitting here drinking a proper beer with my sister and her partner. (He is drinking Bud Light, which is almost proper beer, so…
A few months ago I had a great conversation about music with a perfect stranger. It seems we both liked the same sorts of random bits of…
I would like to introduce myself as one who suffers from SUBS syndrome. Well, I guess I don’t really suffer from it, but the people…
Bexy has gotten her first non-rain-induced bath for the first time in more than a year. Paul and I used to wash her every 2-4…
I started this post thinking it would be about my love of (obsession for?) fish-n-chips but couldn’t stop myself from going on these little tangents…
I bring my iPod to work so that I have a bit of music playing in the background. Most days, I set it to randomly…
When you live alone, especially after sharing your life with someone for so long, things change. Little things. Shoe storage locations are one of those…
I must have been 10 or 11 years old when I got my first job as a papergirl for the Daily Record, Kittitas County’s only…
About three months ago I wrote that I was getting ready to watch The West Wing. All of it. Seasons 1 through 7. At the…
A woman I’ve never met gave me a small book a few days after Paul died. “If God Used Sticky Notes” is just a little…
My drive into work took a bit longer than normal today because as I pulled onto the highway I fell in line behind four Model…
I love the way people can share the most mundane everyday details of their lives with the world thanks to the Wonderful World Wide Web.…
When I first began this blog, I jokingly commented that: “The content will be all over the place. You may visit one day and see…
Following up on last Friday’s pigtail challenge, here’s a fun little song I have to share with you. I’d never heard it before meeting Paul, but…
In honour of my lovely niece’s 13th birthday tomorrow, I am holding a party for my head* this evening. Oh yes, I am! And I…
I enjoyed a raspberry flavoured Tootsie Pop after dinner this evening. And for a special surprise, it was an Indian wrapper! Yay! I don’t remember…
Twice a year, an old urban legend is told about the possibility of balancing an egg on end during the spring and autumn equinoxes. It…
I live in a small town of 650 people. The nearest “city” is nine miles down the road with a population of around 1,100. The…