Life begins where your comfort zone ends. The magic happens outside of your comfort zone. Success, happiness, excitement, love … it’s all found outside of…
I woke up this morning and checked my Facebook feed whilst waiting for my snooze cycle to end. Only what I read angered me so…
I was born 40 years ago today. It was a Thursday and I like to think that it was a day of great celebration. I…
[De-can’t-ing is part of my desire to “prioritise me” during February.] I can’t. You can’t. We can’t. But why can’t I, you, we? Maybe it’s not because…
This is a hard post for me to share because once I say it I have to follow through with it. But here goes: I…
When I wake up tomorrow it will be February; the shortest month in the calendar year and my birthday month. Yes, by the end of…
My 30s are nearly over. Yes, in just 39 days my age will tick over from 39 to 40. I’m not stressed or upset about…
It’s a new year, so it’s time for a new me. OK, not a new me, but hopefully an improved me. Yes, it’s time to…
I have had the worst luck with my 2013 Race a Month Challenge. In fact, I knew a couple of months ago that the odds of success…
Schadenfreude \ˈshä-dən-ˌfrȯi-də\ (noun, often capitalised) [German, from Schaden damage + Freude joy First Known Use: 1895]1: enjoyment obtained from the troubles of others1 I like to think that I am a…
Following up on yesterday’s post, today I am acknowledging the strengths that save me from the bitterness of my weaknesses. These are a bit more difficult…
My weaknesses taunt me. They prevent me from truly loving myself and they make me doubt every thread of my being. I wish I could…
I am a runner. I eat pizza. I drink beer. And I look good naked*. I realise that’s a bit of an odd opening line,…
I took a bit of a self-esteem stumble after being pushed by some hurtful words over the weekend. I really let the words get to…
There was an interesting piece in The Guardian’s Running Blog yesterday about running with music. The post offered insights from two runners – a pro-music runner and a no-music runner – and…
I think that one of the things I struggle with is being happy with myself. For a million little reasons, I’ve always found it difficult…
It’s the first Friday of January, therefore the first Friday of the New Year. And a new year is an opportunity for a new start.…
I like to start each year with a bright, fresh outlook; with a renewed hope for joy and happiness. But I must admit that I…
To celebrate Social Media Week, I have decided to share a paper I wrote a few months ago about digital diaries and online identities. It…
Tonight, I decided to brave it alone and took myself to the theatre (sorry, to the cinema) to see Brave. And why not? Friday nights…