The (gingerbread) house that love built
I built my first gingerbread house today, and I loved it! Not least because I built it with my darling Godson, whom I’ve not seen since my last visit to The Homeland back in August 2019.
On the way to my sister’s house (the “owner” of my Godson, Cameron), I was told that Cameron can take a while to warm to new people – and even to defrost to people he’s previously warmed to. So, I came prepared for it to take time before we became best friends. But I have a way with kids (being a big kid myself helps!) and it wasn’t long before he was showing me all his toys and cars and Christmas village houses. And soon, he was glued to my side.
And when Cameron’s Mum asked if he wanted to build a gingerbread house with me, it was a resounding yes! So, we set out to build the best gingerbread house in the world.

We worked really well together with me piping the icing onto the house and Cameron plopping the candy into the icing. It was a slow and slightly tedious process, but it was fun and we ended up with a lovely little gingerbread house at the end of it all.

My nephew, Brendan, and his girlfriend also built a gingerbread house together – although they took a different tactic than we did by frosting the entire roof.

In fact, my father and I had made gingerbread earlier in the week, too. And we used different tactics. So… just a little more proof that there are many ways to do things!

Anyhow, I really enjoyed building a gingerbread house with my Godson. Living so far away from home means I don’t get to spend a lot of time with my family, so I appreciate that I can spend some good quality time when I’m here.
And that’s what yesterday was: Quality time with loved ones, building gingerbread houses.
I am blessed!

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