Very fishy
I started this post thinking it would be about my love of (obsession for?) fish-n-chips but couldn’t stop myself from going on these little tangents about other fish-related thoughts and memories. So instead, I’m just going to share some random fishy tidbits with you.
- I love fish-n-chips. I always liked it as a kid, but after moving to Scotland and having a “proper” fish supper, I grew to love the stuff. (In Edinburgh, you get your chips with salt-n-sauce – yum!) It’s become somewhat of a joke with my in-laws and UK friends. And if you wondered, the best fish-n-chips in England come from Seaton Carew; in Scotland, they come from this little chippy near Haymarket in Edinburgh.
- During Lent, my mantra is “Fish on a Friday” because during Lent Catholics don’t eat meat on Fridays. I think it used to be every Friday of the year, but it’s been changed per Canon Law 1253 or Vatican II or something. [Note to self: Research this issue a bit more so that you know what the heck you’re talking about.]
- When I was a kid, grandpa would point out colourful fish to us – just as he did with my mom and her siblings. “Look! Over there! A purple one is over there on that rock smoking a pipe!” Or some other such silly thing. And I’d look. And I’d be frustrated that I couldn’t see the fish. But every once in a while, I’d say I could see it, too. Grandpa was a funny, funny man. I like to think I got some of his sense of humour. After all, my jokes are just as “baaadddd daaadddd….” (Yeah, it’s a real knee slapper if you knew Grandpa!)
- Quite often when I think about fish, I find myself saying “Fishy, fishy, fishy…” in a funny voice. I blame the Python Boys and their Find the Fish sketch.
- “Back in the day”, I used to go fishin’ at Hanson Ponds. I remember grabbing my pole and tackle then walking up to Victory Sports for some bait before heading over to the ponds. I don’t remember catching much fish, but I still remember it being fun. I don’t think that I’ve gone fishing since I was in my late teens or early-20s. I wonder if I would still enjoy it…
- And, finally, I’m a fish! Well, I’m a Pisces anyhow. I don’t really pay attention to all that hooey, but I guess some people really do believe in it.
Yes, I am well-aware that this is an extremely pointless post. But it’s my blog and I rule the roost on my blog. Yay me!
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Ah, such memories. I especially remember riding the train through Eagle Gorge and Dad pointing out the fish on the rocks smoking their pipes. Sadly, it is all under water these days. Hansen Dam created a lake where once there was beauty. (A leaky monster)
I think half of my bad jokes came from Grandpa. He made me laugh all the time when I was a kid. Actually, he still makes me laugh when I remember the old jokes!