Virtually friends
Last week, I sent a panicked message to my Facebook friends when I learned that there were issues with Just Frances that meant the site needed to be taken down for a spell. I was panicked and stressed and, quite frankly, in hysterics because this site means so much to me and has been such an important part of my grief process – my healing process.
Minutes after that panicked plea for help, I found myself overloaded with volunteers. In fact, I had to turn people away because there were so many people helping. One woman walked to her neighbour’s house to have him contact me. Another woman had her husband “friend” me on Facebook so that he could help. And another woman was in touch to say she’d be back to help as soon as her husband was safely at the airport. And several other people got in touch by Facebook message, email, text message, and phone calls. All willing and able to help. And I have never met 95% of them “in real life”.
In the end, the ‘new Facebook friend’ and the woman with the travelling husband became my personal Web Gurus. They reviewed the files on Just Frances. They wrote emails to the hosting company. They spent precious time helping me – despite having real jobs and real families demanding their time. They fit me in. And they followed up. And they helped. Freely and happily and selflessly.
And the woman (and her now-back-home husband) are still helping out by monitoring the site to make sure we’ve got everything fixed. More time. More effort. All for me. Someone they’ve never met.
I don’t know that I’ll ever be able to repay these amazing people for their time, efforts, and – most of all – kindness. I am humbled and eternally grateful for them and only hope that I’m able to show the same level of kindness to others.
And I remind you, it wasn’t just the two who did the heavy lifting. Several people volunteered to help, and they deserve heartfelt kudos, too.
My world has been made so much brighter by my virtual friends; these supportive people I’ve never met – even more so over the last three years – and I am reminded regularly of how very much they mean to me.
So, thank you, Dear Virtual Readers. Thank you, Dear Virtual Friends. You may not realise it, but you are important to me.
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Yep…I surely do miss the random photos that used to pop up. I sort of felt as if they were my joy for the day. On another, not so whiney note, I hope the wonderful virtual friends and gurus can get your site all fixed up again. Many thanks to them for all the work they have done for you.
I’m unsure about putting the random photos back, but the main galleries are there at least. I have disabled gallery/photo comments though, because I wonder if the spam hits for those might have caused the spike in hits which caused the trouble. I may re-add it later today to see what that does for site usage though. Just in case …
I’ve enjoyed the random photos so far today. The last was of the butterfly swirls. Beautiful!