Visa blues
I made my way up to Spokane today for my biometrics appointment as part of my visa application for The Big Move to Scotland. You would think that this news would have me extremely happy, but I just can’t find the joy today.
Maybe it’s because after the biometrics appointment I had a bone marrow aspiration. (Ouch!) Maybe it’s because on the drive to the appointment I realised that my last trip to the federal building was for Paul’s biometrics for his 10-year green card. Maybe it’s because once I walked into the building it dawned on me that Paul died right before we applied for his American citizenship. Or maybe it was because we were meant to be immigrating back to Scotland together.
Oh, I tried to celebrate this big step toward my big move. In fact, on my way home I stopped off at the post office and was momentarily joyed to find that my UK tax refund had finally arrived. But then I was saddened to find out that it was about £500 shy of what was expected.
Then, I had to pick up my foster daughter, take her shopping for a birthday gift, and drop her off at a friend’s for a birthday slumber party. “Yay!” I thought to myself. “A relaxing Friday evening at home without the kid; I can have a martini and soak in the tub…”
And then I got home and there was more unhappy news waiting for me. (Nothing life-threatening or unexpected, but sad nonetheless.)
Anyhow, I want to be happy today, but I can’t seem to get there. Instead, I can’t stop crying and stressing out about everything and nothing all at once.
But, in an attempt to leave on a high note: Now that my biometrics are done, I can send in the rest of my forms to the British Embassy. They say that most visas are approved within 10 days, so I’m holding out hope that I’m a ‘most visa’ case because I can’t buy my tickets until I have my visa. And once I buy my tickets, I’m sure I’ll be a bit calmer. (And probably a bit more stressed and emotional, too!)
The weekend will get better. It must get better…
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Layla said it perfectly! and at least enjoy your cry & Martini outside since we finally have a little sunshine to enjoy! 🙂
Aww honey… It’s no wonder you feel the way you do! You are under an enormous amount of stress in so many ways that it is only natural to be tearful and anxious. It may come as a surprise but you aren’t super woman… Stop being so hard on yourself! You cannot control every aspect of your situation and so you need to give in to it a bit… Relax… Have a bloody good cry and bloody big martini… Then step back and think about how normal your reactions make you!!! I love you and I can’t wait to see you! xxx
Visas, argh – even just looking at the word makes me want to burst out in tears 🙁 Praying for you! 🙂 xxx