A quick hello

Hello, dear Just Frances readers! It’s been a while since I’ve shared a post so I thought I’d pop in and let everyone know I’m alive. And let you know that I’m struggling a bit… Not about anything “serious”, but rather about what to share.

As you probably know, I tend to go rather quiet when things aren’t going very well. I know I share my heartaches and turmoil here-and-there, but I largely hide away when I’m sad.

But lately, life has been pretty OK. And there have been a few posts that I had intended to share. Like the fantastic textiles event, I went to at the Museum of Edinburgh or last week’s beer tasting at the Caledonian Brewery.

Only I’ve stopped myself from sharing those (and other stories) because I don’t want to bore you.

But then I stop to wonder why I should worry about that. I mean, Just Frances was started as a place for me to share my life with no one in particular; a place for me to share my joys and sorrows now that there’s no one sitting next to me at the dinner table. As selfish as it sounds, Just Frances isn’t about the readers, it’s about the writer. (That’s me; Just Frances.)

But that’s not really true anymore, either. After all, Just Frances has become a place where fellow widow(er)s seek solace; a place where people with ITP or PKD look for answers; a place where people watch my life from afar, often whilst offering me encouragement and support.

So, even though Just Frances is all about me, it’s also all about you.

This brings me to a question: What do you want to read about? Or what do you not want to read about? Or do you mind one way or another?

As for me, I am keeping busy and occupied. I am enjoying my PhD right now. I am enjoying just being alive right now. There are good days and bad days, but mostly good. And, importantly, I am going out on adventures, even if I have to go on them alone.

Anyhow… this post is really just to say hello so that you know I’m still here.

So, hello! I hope you’re well!

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4 Replies to “A quick hello”

  1. I think that you already know what I’d like to read about…everything and anything! You’re living abroad…and only one other of our extended family has done that for more than a year. Even the PhD stuff turns out to be interesting…or at least educational.

    1. Well, I will try to share more stuff – more often. I’ve got a lot of fun and exciting (or at least less-boring-than-normal) stuff planned for the next couple of months! <3

  2. There’s an idea that any person is pretty much an amalgam of the 5 people they spend most their time with. So basically I regularly read your blog in the hope of counterbalancing the other 4 reprobates!

    Just keep doing what you’re doing. I like it and, which means lot’s of other people do too.

    1. Aw, thanks for that comment. It made me laugh and everything! 🙂

      Knowing that the people who read my blog are happy with what I’m doing helps. And, of course, the act of writing helps me so that’s something…

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