A shape haiku
As I work toward my goal of publishing a book I’ve found myself spending a lot of time re-learning different forms of poetry. Added to that, I’ve found that forcing myself to put thoughts into a predetermined form is helpful as I try to identify my emotions. And blah, blah, blah…
So today I was researching shape poems and all of the sudden my brain jumped to the idea of a sort of shape-haiku mix thing. (Please don’t ask how I jumped from one to another. It’s confusing enough as it is!) But here’s the result: A (sort of) shaped poem with each line increasing then decreasing in syllables from 1 to 10 to 1 again. (Did you follow that?)
From fear to hope
by Just Frances
I live them
But still, I smile
I try to forget
I try to remember
I try to re-live the joy
I try to re-live the laughter
There will be times when I want to cry
Times I want to hide away from the world
There will also be times when I laugh
I strive to find peace in my world
Sometimes it’s all a show
I strive to be happy
So this is my life
And I’ll live it
Full of joy
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