Rained out
Today I was meant to run the Donkey Brae 7-Miler in Aberdour, only the rain scuppered my plans. Not because I can’t run in the rain. Not because the race was cancelled. Rather, it was because my ceiling fell in.
I woke up this morning to the sound of water dripping. I got up to investigate and found that the ceiling above my entry hall was leaking. So I placed some buckets out to catch the water and moved my two pairs of slightly damp running shoes that live in the hall. Then I went to find the out-of-hours number for my letting agent.
As I sat at the computer looking up the relevant phone number, I heard a crashing splatter that caused me to jump out of my skin. Then I went to the hall to see the plastered ceiling had fallen in.
The next few hours were filled with frustration as I got busy signal after busy signal for the emergency phone number (which was off the hook, as it turns out). Eventually, I got through to someone who managed to send someone out for a quick fix.
Of course, by then it was after 3 and my race was long over. So, that’s another failed attempt at my 2013 Race a Month Challenge. And that puts me at two races in seven months which means that I need to do 10 races in five months. I’m starting to think I’m fighting a losing battle!
And now I get to deal with the hassle of chasing up my letting agents to fix the roof and ceiling – and to clean the carpets.
I really hate the rain today.
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