The holiday hush
The holidays are here again, and that means I’m facing an extended period of holiday hush. “Hush” because, like most years, I will be spending Christmas and New Year alone again*. Only this year, I’m going to work really hard at not being too hushed.
I struggle with the holidays now because they are just another reminder that I am a widow. And that I’ve failed miserably at finding that elusive “new love” (blah, blah, blah). I am trying to get better at being alone as each year passes, and this year will be no exception. (I’ll try to get better at being alone, but I can’t promise I’ll succeed!)
Whilst there have been years when I’ve not had a face-to-face conversation for the entire period between Christmas Eve and January 3rd, I am pleased to say that most years have included at least some level of human interaction during the “office closed” periods. This year, I am aiming to make sure I get out of the house every most days. And I’m going to try to see other people most days, too**!
As it stands now, I will spend Christmas Eve and Christmas Day on my own, although I will try to get out for a bit of geocaching each day. On Boxing Day, I will be going to a party at my friends’ home. Then the following day I’ll be meeting up with a couple of people for drinks in the city centre. And after that, I’ll be heading to the West Coast for a couple of days where I’ll do a bit of walking on the beach. (And maybe some more geocaching.)
I’ll then be on my own for New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day… and probably for the remainder of the holiday, too. But even then, I will aim to get out of the house each day for a bit of exercise and fresh air.
So whilst there will be quite a bit of hush time this holiday season, at least I’ll have a good smattering of human interaction time, too! Because life is all about balance, right?
Anyhow, I will try to share some of my adventures with you here. That way it’s almost as if you’re joining me for some of the holidays, too. And I hope that whatever your plans are, they include a very merry Christmas and a very happy New Year!
* I was invited to spend Christmas with a couple of people I know and their families, but I wouldn’t have felt comfortable as I don’t know their families. Better to be alone on my own than to feel alone in a crowded room!
** Seeing my landlord/housemate doesn’t count. Although I do acknowledge that we will spend at least some time visiting, as I’ll be home a bit more over the holidays.
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Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Frances. Best wishes for a super-duper 2016!
Thank you! I am pleased to say that 2015 seems to be ending on a high note … and I have high hopes that 2016 will be a wonderful year! I hope you have a very merry Christmas and an amazingly happy New Year!!