Goodbye, Scotland
I’m on the train to England now and will be flying home to America tomorrow morning. It’s weird because part of me feels like I am only going away on a wee holiday, but the other part of me fears this may be forever. (Yes, that part is the slightly hysterical and panicky part. I blame the Frances 3.0 upgrade for that glitch!)
So, what’s next? Well, I will arrive at my sister-in-law’s house in a couple of hours and will have a lovely afternoon and evening with her before what should be an early night. Then we’ll wake up early, early tomorrow morning to make our way to the airport where I will board a plane back to America.
And what happens when I get back to America? Well, I will be picked up by one of my sisters and will have a lovely day or two with her and her family before I head over the mountain pass to my folks’ house where I will set up camp.
Of course, the important thing that will happen when I’m back in America is that I will apply for my new Tier 4 student visa so that I can return to my beloved Scotland to follow my PhD dreams.
I am so very sad to be leaving my beautiful Scotland behind – especially since I am so paranoid that there will be some glitch with my visa that delays or prevents the start of my PhD – but I am so very excited to be heading to the Homeland for a visit. I mean, it’s been more than two years since I was last there!
Saying goodbye to Scotland is always hard – even more so when I don’t know what my future holds. I mean, I’m confident that my visa will be approved and I’ll be back in time for my 1 October start date, but at the same time, I am so filled with doubt about happy futures that I’m unable to be 100 percent certain about anything.
And, I admit, I am sad about saying goodbye to Scotland because it always reminds me of when I had to say goodbye to Paul for the first time.
Anyhow, I am saying goodbye to Scotland for now but I must be positive and look forward to saying hello to Scotland again very soon. In the meantime, I need to concentrate on the joys of saying hello to America for a while where I can recharge my redneck roots with my family and friends.
Goodbye, Scotland. I’ll be back as soon as I can!
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