2017: Undone, indeed
2017 is over. It was meant to be my “year of doing” but, alas, it would seem that it was a year undone. Undone, indeed*.
I started 2017 with the idea that I would do so many things.
I was going to focus on my health with a bit of extra dedication.
I was going to get out to explore more.
I was going to laugh more, love more, and focus more. I was going to be more than I thought I could be; I was going to do more than I thought I could do.
And in the end, I’ve done nothing.
Well, I’ve done a few minor things. I did a few mini-adventures around Scotland. I had a holiday in America. I presented at a couple of conferences. And I started a great new medication for my kidneys.
But I didn’t get much thesis writing done.
And I didn’t get much done in the way of taking care of my physical, mental, and emotional well-being.
And I didn’t get much done with my running shoes.
And I certainly didn’t finish my PhD!
But despite 2017 being quite undone, I am calling the year a success. Because, after all, there were more good days than bad and more laughter than tears. And to remind me of those good days and laughter, here are 12 of the (many) positives I enjoyed in my (undone) 2017:
A Dunfermline Day: I spent a day exploring Dunfermline with a friend. I’d never been before, so it was nice to experience a new part of my beloved Scotland.
Bordering on 43: I spent my birthday weekend away in the Scottish Borders. (Although allowing someone else to crash my weekend was a big mistake. My 44th birthday will be spent alone, as it should be!)
Bridges and sunshine: I walked across the Forth Road Bridge and did a bit of geocaching on a lovely, sunny spring day.
The law of adventure: I enjoyed another climb up the North Berwick Law. In fact, I did that yesterday with my nieces, too, for a second 2017 climb!
Talkin’ tolvaptan: I started a new medication for my kidney disease (polycystic kidney disease; PKD) that is meant to slow the progression of my disease. (YAY!)
Busy presenting: I had several opportunities to present my research over the year to a variety of audiences.
Back to Blackness: I enjoyed a wee adventure day out with my friend and her wee children. It was our first adventure in a couple of years, so was especially nice to meet up!
Homeland holiday: After more than three years, I finally made it back to the Homeland for a wee holiday. If you can call three weeks a wee holiday…
Exploring the past: Whilst in the Homeland, I took a bit of time to explore an old abandoned cemetery. I can not wait to explore a bit more with my ANT Elizabeth on my next visit.
DC in a nutshell: I spent a few days in DC for a conference and got to explore the city a bit and catch up with lots of wonderful people, including my former foster daughter!
Deck the halls: My nieces came to visit for two and a half weeks. It was their first international trip and they seem to be enjoying it. (They are here for another week!)
And that was 2017, basically.
Thank you, Dear Readers, for another wonderful year. I hope that 2017 has brought you more laughter than tears and more joy than sorrow. I will be back in 2018 and hope to bring you a bit more positive (and more regular) content to go along with the New Year.
* Yeah, that’s a lyric. The song itself is quite irrelevant to the post, but the line has been going through my head as I’ve reflected over the undone-ness of my “year of doing”.
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Happy New Year! A new year for new things!
Thank you, Carolyn! I hope you and the kids have a very happy New Year!! x